One of the things I love about Christmas are the special times spent with the animals in my life. I’ve been very fortunate and have so many wonderful memories to look back on.
As a teenager, my life revolved around horses and I couldn’t wait to visit my horse Amy on Christmas day...
Do you recognise that your energy changes in the build up to Christmas and over the Christmas period? You may be feeling more stressed, distracted, excited, anxious and be rushing to fit everything in?
What you may not realise is that your animals may be picking up on these extra emotions and...
One of my big passions in life is sharing how incredible animals are at guiding their own healing. I am constantly amazed by the ways animals can let us know what they need. It never gets old for me and I don’t think it ever will!
It’s important to me that people have the opportunity...
I have a small confession to make…I talk to animals! They connect with me while I’m on a walk or when I’m washing up. They wake me up in the night if they need something. They join me during healing sessions and meditations, sitting on my feet, lying next to me, or huffing down...
You may have an inkling that I’m passionate about animal communication! I am! It’s something that enhances my life every day, because I can connect on a deep level with animals and find ways to help them. I can also help other people to achieve a deeper connection with the animals...
Imagine for a moment that you can know what your animal is thinking or feeling. How would that make you feel? How would that enhance the relationship that you have with your animal? How would that help you and your animal? Animal communication can be the bridge that takes you on a journey from...
The truth is that animals are very sensitive to human emotions and they often pick up when we are sad, upset or angry. If we don’t let them know what’s happening and the reasons for our emotions, they can sometimes feel they’ve done something to cause it or start behaving in an...
Welcome to part 2 of my series about animal communication and what it’s like to be able to talk to animals. In part 1, I shared what it’s like to hear messages from animals and this time I’ll be sharing what it’s like when you receive a visual message from an...
Here I am meeting my first kangaroo in Western Australia! Now I know it’s not a real kangaroo, but I was excited to get my first glimpse of the size and scale of a fully grown male kangaroo when I visited this bronze sculpture in Perth.
The truth is, I didn’t get a photo of the...
One of the most iconic sounds of Australia is the call of the kookaburra! I’ve heard it so many times on films or tv shows set in Australia, but to hear it in real life is quite a different experience! I was lucky enough to see and connect with this extraordinary bird on my trip to Western...
As I continue along my path as an animal communicator and animal healer, I find that I have more and more extraordinary experiences with the animals that I help. This includes receiving communications from animals who have crossed over, sending healing while elderly beloved animals...
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