
Reiki Healing for Guinea Pigs – Kurt’s Story animal healing animal reiki energy energy healing guniea pigs holistic healing holistic healing for animals reiki reiki healing May 18, 2024

Reiki healing for guinea pigs? Yes, they really love this gentle healing energy! The thought may be making you smile, but have you considered that size is no barrier to feeling? That our smaller pets experience a range of emotions and feelings that we may only attribute to larger domesticated...

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Merlin’s Miraculous Recovery – A Rescue Dog with Gunshot Wounds - Part 2 animal behaviour animal communication animal emotions animal healing animal trauma applied zoopharmacognosy essential oils plant medicines rehomed animal rescue animal Apr 12, 2024

Merlin, a rescue dog who had suffered neglect, abandonment and life threatening gunshot wounds, was responding incredibly well to his Applied Zoopharmacognosy sessions. The sessions were providing him with the opportunity to self-select natural plant remedies, including essential oils, that...

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Merlin’s Miraculous Recovery - A Rescue Dog with Gunshot Wounds - Part 1 animal behaviour animal communication animal emotions animal healing applied zoopharmacognosy essential oils plant medicines rehomed animal rescue animal Mar 29, 2024

Merlin, a five year old English Pointer was found in a terrible state. He had been shot in the face, neck and hindquarters with a shotgun, which had peppered him with lead shot. He had then been abandoned to fend for himself. He was filthy, emaciated and in a state of shock when he was rescued by...

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