
How to Create Calm for an Anxious Animal using Holistic Methods - 3 Top Tips animal anxiety animal communication animal communication classes anxious animals fear of fireworks holistic healing Nov 15, 2024

One of the areas I focus on in my animal communication and healing work, is how to create calm for an anxious animal. If you have an anxious animal in your life, you may have found it difficult to soothe them when they're upset. Anxiety can be a complex issue with multiple issues underlying it or...

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A Dog with a Fear of Fireworks Case Study – Jessie – Part 2 animal anxiety anxiety anxious fear of fireworks fireworks scared of fireworks Oct 30, 2024

Jessie was a dog with a fear of fireworks and loud noises. She was able to help herself by self-selecting her own natural remedies in an Applied Zoopharmacognosy session. She had already relaxed at the start of her session with Rose and Jasmine essential oils. She then went on to display very...

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A Dog with a Fear of Fireworks Case Study – Jessie – Part 1 animal anxiety anxiety anxious fear of fireworks fireworks scared of fireworks Oct 18, 2024

Jessie was a dog with an extreme fear of fireworks. When she heard any loud bangs and whistles, even in the distance, she paced anxiously for hours on end and there was nothing her guardian could do to pacify her.

Jessie would roam restlessly, looking for a hiding place, but nowhere suited her....

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How Learning Animal Communication Techniques Can Help You to Support an Animal with a Fear of Fireworks animal anxiety animal communication animal communication classes fear of fireworks fireworks Oct 05, 2024

One of my big passions and an area that I specialise in, is helping animal parents with their anxious animals. I've been called to support so many fearful animals over the years, from those experiencing separation anxiety and fear of loud noises, to traumatised rescue animals.

Each year I devote...

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Helping animals to feel safe and relaxed. Sharing a group healing session for animals with a fear of fireworks. animal behaviour animal communication animal emotions animal feelings emotions fear of fireworks fireworks healing scared of fireworks Nov 17, 2023

Each year I offer free group distance healing for animals who are scared of fireworks. This is something that has developed over more than a decade, as I have become aware of a great need to help animals who are frightened of noises.

Each session is different and I allow the energies to flow and...

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My group healing sessions for animals with a fear of fireworks. How does it work and how can you get involved? animal behaviour animal communication animal emotions animal feelings fear of fireworks fireworks scared of fireworks Nov 03, 2023

Each year I send out free distance healing for animals who are scared of fireworks. This is for animals nominated by their guardians, or with the permission of the animal’s guardian, as well as for all the wild animals who are affected by the noise and flashes of fireworks.

I received...

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Why is my dog or cat scared of fireworks and other loud noises? (Exploring the impact of past traumas, anxiety, ancestry and learned or inherited fears.) animal behaviour animal communication animal emotions cat dog fear of fireworks fireworks scared of fireworks trauma Oct 20, 2023

Your dog or cat may be scared of fireworks or loud noises for a variety of reasons. These can include past trauma, anxiety, a learned fear, an inherited fear or because of their ancestral bloodlines. In my experience as an animal communicator and animal healer, around half of the animals I have...

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