
Reiki Healing for Guinea Pigs – Kurt’s Story animal healing animal reiki energy energy healing guniea pigs holistic healing holistic healing for animals reiki reiki healing May 18, 2024

Reiki healing for guinea pigs? Yes, they really love this gentle healing energy! The thought may be making you smile, but have you considered that size is no barrier to feeling? That our smaller pets experience a range of emotions and feelings that we may only attribute to larger domesticated...

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Animal Communication – What it’s like to talk to animals (Part 4) animal behaviour animal communication animal energy animal guardians animal healer emotional energy healing Jun 11, 2023

Welcome to part four of my animal communication blog series about what it’s like to talk to animals. This time I’ll be exploring clairsentience, which is also known as “clear feeling”.

Clairsentience can be one of the most immediate ways of receiving a message from an...

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Animal Communication with Kangaroos in Western Australia animal behaviour animal communication animal energy animal guardians animal healer animals energy kangaroos western australia Apr 29, 2023

Here I am meeting my first kangaroo in Western Australia! Now I know it’s not a real kangaroo, but I was excited to get my first glimpse of the size and scale of a fully grown male kangaroo when I visited this bronze sculpture in Perth.

The truth is, I didn’t get a photo of the...

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The Cackling Kookaburras of Western Australia animal behaviour animal communication animals energy kookaburras totem animal western australia Apr 13, 2023

One of the most iconic sounds of Australia is the call of the kookaburra! I’ve heard it so many times on films or tv shows set in Australia, but to hear it in real life is quite a different experience! I was lucky enough to see and connect with this extraordinary bird on my trip to Western...

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Healing and Animal Communication with Stingrays in Western Australia animal behaviour animal communication animal healer energy healing stingray western australia Mar 28, 2023

One of the biggest highlights of my trip to Western Australia, was meeting and connecting with wild stingrays at Hamelin Bay. The stingrays are often seen there in the mornings, close to the shoreline in the shallow and very clear water. I was lucky enough to see them on two visits to the bay.


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