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My group healing sessions for animals with a fear of fireworks. How does it work and how can you get involved?

animal behaviour animal communication animal emotions animal feelings fear of fireworks fireworks scared of fireworks Nov 03, 2023
Healing using Animal Communicationn

Each year I send out free distance healing for animals who are scared of fireworks. This is for animals nominated by their guardians, or with the permission of the animal’s guardian, as well as for all the wild animals who are affected by the noise and flashes of fireworks.

I received wonderful feedback from many people after my firework healing sessions last year. People noticed that the healing had a calming effect on their animals and some felt the presence of guardians looking after their animals too.

Carys wrote to say, “I just wanted to say thank you for the firework healing you sent. I put Ellie’s (my mother’s dog’s) name down, as she is really scared of fireworks and thunder. She told me with surprise that the dogs, in particular Ellie, didn’t react at all to the fireworks, so thank you for the healing you did!! It’s really appreciated.”

Julie commented, “I think it really helped Timber. He actually did not hide, but stayed downstairs with us. Thank you.”

Each year in October, November and December, I plan scheduled times for sending out my healing, so that the guardians know when it is taking place. This means that if you have nominated your animal and if you are able to, you can sit quietly with your animal to experience the healing together. Being able to take the time to be with your animal while they are receiving healing, means that they feel additionally supported. It can be a really beautiful time to snuggle up, put on some relaxation music and just “be” with your animal. Notice how they are, how you are and how they respond during the hour.

When I am sending out the healing, I sit with the name of every animal nominated, tune in and connect with their energy. Even though we may be separated by great distances, the healing I channel can reach your animal. Healing is energy and when sent with intention, it can reach across the spaces. It’s second nature for me to do this and I frequently send healing to many animals over a distance in my healing work.

I am guided by my animal communication and healing guides to work on specific themes. This can be different for each session and often includes grounding, healing for the animal kingdom as a whole and clearing fear and trauma. There is frequently a part of the healing that focuses on reducing the impact of the loud noises an animal is frightened of.

I find that sending healing out to a group of animals is very powerful. It is as if they are all linked and their combined energies enhances and magnifies the vibration of the healing.

All of this is done from a place of deepest love and care for the animals involved. As it is a group healing, individual messages and responses for your animals are usually not available, but if I receive a specific message I will pass it on to you.

Steps you can take to help your animal:

  1. You can receive free healing for your animal(s) by nominating them. You’ll then receive emails outlining the dates and times when the healing will be taking place.
  2. If you’re concerned about an animal, please contact me or book in for a free discovery call.
  3. My booklet, “Is your Dog or Cat Scared of Fireworks? 5 Top Tips to Help them to Cope with Firework Fear”, is currently available as a free download.
  4. You can book with me for an individual healing or animal communication session, which can include advice on using natural plant remedies with your animal.
  5. You can read additional blogs about animals with a fear of fireworks here.


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