Animal Communication and Healing for Anxious Animals
Sep 07, 2024
From my earliest days of animal communication awareness and training in holistic healing for animals, I have been drawn to the animals who are fearful, anxious, nervous and overwhelmed by day to day life. I think this is because as a very highly attuned empath, I can feel their emotions and vulnerabilities and they show me what they are feeling by expressing this directly to me in my own body, heart and mind. It’s a call for help that I simply can’t ignore, because I can literally feel their emotional pain, confusion and anxiety.
Many of the animals that I help feel misunderstood. This is often because their anxiety manifests in behaviours that are difficult for their guardians to navigate.
I’ve seen such a range of anxious expression including; barking or vocalising, biting, lashing out, fear aggression, hiding away, running away, toileting or spraying in the home in unwanted places, refusing food, overgrooming, chewing up or scratching the home furnishings or woodwork, destroying the boots of cars, chasing other animals, running away from animals, refusing to go outside, dominance issues, fear of people, fear of fireworks and loud noises and fear of children…these are just some of the issues I see that stem from anxiety! It’s important to note that these may not be exclusively anxious behaviours though and I always recommend that you ask your vet to check for any pain or health issue that might be contributing to what you’re noticing about your animal’s reactions.
One of the benefits of animal communication is being able to ask your animal if they are worried and why they react in the way that they do. It’s such a helpful way to find out if there is something you can do to help them. It’s also very interesting that when an animal has the chance to express what is going on from their perspective and to have the opportunity to share with their guardian how they feel, this often brings a shift in the way they are reacting and behaving. It’s as if they have gotten a weight off their chests and they feel heard and understood. When they feel heard and understood they often feel safer and more supported, meaning that their anxiety levels naturally start to reduce.
One of the questions I ask an anxious animal is what help they need. What could help them to feel safer and calmer? They may request healing such as Reiki or Transformational Bodywork, which helps to balance the energetic body and relieve stress. They may let me know that a herb or essential oil would help them and I can offer Applied Zoopharmacognosy support during an animal communication session.
The aim of an animal communication session as a starting point is to find out the underlying reasons for an animal’s anxiety and to help them to share this with their guardian through me as their translator. I can then help their guardian to make a plan of how to best support their animal and to introduce helpful practices to manage anxiety levels.
If you know or suspect that your animal is anxious, please feel that you can reach out to me for support. I offer free discovery calls so that you can talk through what your animal is experiencing. Or you can email me and let me know that you need some help.
If you would like to learn some simple animal communication techniques to start supporting your animal immediately, my new online class is perfect for you; “Easy Animal Communication for Anxious Animals.” Inside this instant access class, you’ll find gentle exercises that you can seamlessly integrate into your daily interactions with your animal, as well as a specially crafted Calming Meditation for you to enjoy together.
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