How Applied Zoopharmacognosy can help your puppy to settle into their new home
Nov 03, 2022
Getting a new puppy must surely be one of the most exciting experiences and it's one that is guaranteed to change your life forever. But how can you make the transition easier and less stressful for your puppy and for you? Many puppies are initially distressed at leaving their mum and siblings and you can often be in for some sleepless nights during the first few weeks after bringing your puppy home.
Applied Zoopharmacognosy is an effective and natural way to help your puppy to settle into their new environment. It involves offering essential oils, herbs and plant extracts to your puppy and giving them the opportunity to self-select their own remedies for emotional, physical and behavioural wellbeing. These remedies can help to reduce stress, increase confidence and to establish trust between you and your puppy.
I was recently able to use Applied Zoopharmacognosy to help adorable Cairn terrier puppy Percy and his lovely new family. Their first night together was unsettled and distressing, with Percy crying at being left alone in his puppy crate. He had with him a squeaky fox toy and a blanket that had the scent of his mum and siblings, but sadly he was still very upset.
I visited Percy on the day after his arrival and I offered him a range of essential oils that are frequently self-selected by young animals that have just left their mum for the first time. These included Rose Otto, Neroli, Linden Blossom, Violet Leaf and Vetiver. It was a very emotional experience watching Percy's reaction to Neroli essential oil. After sniffing at the bottle, he yelped as if in pain and then began to suckle the carpet, kneading it with his paws in the way that he would have when suckling from his mum. He was clearly missing the comfort of his mother. He responded very well throughout the rest of the session, seeking reassurance and cuddles from his new family when he needed it and barking at the bottles and performing the wall of death when he was feeling confident!
Percy's favourite oils included Neroli, Vetiver and Violet Leaf and these were dripped onto an old t-shirt belonging to Percy's new Dad. This was placed at one end of his puppy crate so that he could choose to be close to the aromas if he wanted to or further away if necessary. Percy found that for him, the closer he could get to the essential oils, the better and he slept on top of the t-shirt from that evening onwards. His family were delighted to report that Percy was sleeping through the night and that he was very calm. He carried the t-shirt to his day bed each morning and was often found lying spread eagled on top of it! He was soon able to be left for short periods during the day and it was really fantastic to see how quickly the essential oils were helping Percy to cope with his change of home and his new routine.
Applied Zoopharmacognosy can help to settle any animal into a new home, whether it is a rescue animal or you have just moved house and your animal is unsettled. It can also help animals to cope with boarding kennels or travelling in their carry crates.
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