Does My Animal Know That I Love Them?
Feb 16, 2024
Animals are so good at picking up on emotions and they feel love very clearly. One thing I recommend trying with your animal is to sit quietly with them and show them the way you feel about them by connecting to your heart and sending them love.
Here’s the exercise for you to try:
- Find some time when you can focus totally on being with your animal.
- Spend a moment settling in to sitting quietly with your own energy.
- Let any thoughts or feelings flow and gradually bring your focus to your heart.
- Tell your animal their story. How did they come into your life. How have they changed your life?
- Tell your animal what you love about them and what you love about them being in your life.
- Then, very gently, show them these feelings of love and gratitude by sending them these positive emotions from your heart. See if you can stay in this moment of sending love for a few minutes.
- See if you receive a response from your animal. Do you feel anything? How are they reacting?
- Take some time to write down what you experienced and how it felt to do this with your animal.
I’d love to hear how you get on with that! You can let me know here.
This is a great exercise to repeat regularly as it helps you to be in tune with how you are feeling, as well as helping your animal to feel loved and safe. Regular practice could start to open you up to animal communication too!
If you’d like to explore this further, an animal communication session can be the perfect way to check in on how your animal is and to send them special messages of love through me. I can then bring you back messages of love to you, in your animal’s words.
If you’d like to learn how to talk to animals my easy online class is a great place to start your journey. In the class you’ll find more exercises to help you to connect to your animal.
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